Let me begin by talking about goal-setting and defining PEQ; physio-emotional intelligence.
I would like to define PQ (physiological intelligence) as your ability to comprehend and use your physiology to attain personal best health, wellness, fitness and mental performance. Daniel Goleman, founder of the concept EQ (emotional intelligence) argues our intelligence is far too narrow, ignoring a crucial range of abilities that matter immensely; empathy, motivation, self-regulation, self-awareness & social skills. Together, PQ and EQ, I would like to argue complete intelligence and depending on the degree we use PEQ, will determine our performance.
Vitality is the goal of personal best PEQ training. Utilizing personal experience reflection & research from psychology and physiology we can creativity accomplish more than we ever thought possible. Turning failure into success, using imagery to congure strong emotions and changing our reality are necessary functions of this training.
Humans by nature are goal-stiving beings, so not attaining goals is not attaining happiness; the pursuit of happiness is contingent on attaining goals whether you consciously recognize them or not, you have set them. True success is not attaining material goods, but attaining happiness through a process of visualization and experience.
We all have lofty dreams as children, and we are encouraged to by those whom condition us.
Our caregivers want the "most" for us and usually devote tremendous time to help us achieve goals, but at some point we consciously comprimise our dream goals for our perceived reality. This perception, that we have to be "realistic" is a repeated thought loaned usually from our caregivers or those who we sanction as authority figures. It is usually customary in this goal demotion to pick a new goal, based around stability, safely and security. At this point we have consciously choosen to be complacent with mediocrity.
Psycho-cybernetics (Maxwell Maltz, 1954) encourages goal-oriented (success or failure) behavior of mechanical systems: a) what happens, & b) what is necessary? Do all your habits function to help you to become successful? Raising your opinion of yourself is necessary to achieve new goals. Maltz continues, "we learn to function successfully by experiencing success". If we can not break out of our daily routine, new habits that lead to success will not be realized.
My strongest role models overcome adversity often. Confidence is realized when we achieve more than we thought possible (in the past). Failure is necessary (sometimes often) to achieve success. Goals however, can't just be read, but must be felt with deep emotion. Vivid images of yourself succeeding in your desired pursuit function to give yourself a taste of success. This is how we "comprehend success" by experiencing it, even if it takes time to be present physically, it can happen hundreds of times in your mind so it occurs naturally when the opportunity arrives. Imagery functions to create success.
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