Thursday, July 28, 2011

The Power of Intuition

Let me introduce you to your new friend. Located deep in your subconscious is the basal ganglia. This is the site of implicit learning that is the powerhouse of intuitive thoughts so powerful, they may unlock solutions to problems you thought were lost. Explicit learning occurs through the conscious brain with the help from your senses. Algorithms, logic, reasoning and rational thoughts are produced here.

To optimize confidence and breakthrough performance in any field one must move to a greater independence on intuitive thought. "Intuition becomes refined with experience, so as a beginner, rely largely on established principles and methods to guide your training. As you gain experience, rely more on your own hunches than on what others do" (M. Fitzgerald, RUN, p.31). The basal ganglia is too primitive to communicate it's implicit thought with the conscious brain, so we have a difficult time articulating the reason why we know our intuition is correct.

Malcolm Gladwell's Blink: The Power of Thinking Without Thinking is essentially a book about intuition. In it Gladwell uses the phrase: "creating structure without spontaneity" to describe how the most effective decisions are made in the implicit thought process through intuition.

Anticipatory regulation is a sophisticated calculator also located in the subconscious brain in a region referred to as the "the central govenor" (T. Noakes, 2001). Proof must be provided for the subconscious brain to have generate confidence. Training personal best performances provide evidence to the conscious brain of knowledge to build belief.

Efficacy destroys science. The subconscious brain can not be fooled.

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